Thursday, 16 October 2008

Chocolate Cake

Chocolate Cake

6 ozs. plain flour, 3 tablespoons cocoa powder,1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda, 5 ozs. caster sugar, 2 tablespoons black treacle, 2 eggs, beaten, 5 fluid ozs. sunflower oil, 5 fluid ozs. milk .Sift flour, cocoa, baking powder, bicarbonate of soda and sugar into a large bowl. Add treacle, eggs ,oil and milk. Beat well , for at least two minutes, until smooth..Divide mixture between two 7" greased and baselined sandwich tins. Bake at 325°F . 160° C. or Gas 3 for 30- 35 minutes or until well risen .Fill and decorate as required ( I used chocolate and vanilla butter cream with melted chocolate topping)


Lilly said...

OH MY GOD Barabra, why didnt I know about this blog too, this is JUST what I need. Wait till I show Des. I am always looking for ideas of thing sto cook for him. He loves cakes , biscuits and pies. he doesnt have to worry about health he says anymore and he is skinny so...he eats...

This chocolate cake looks good ...

TBM said...

Mmmm! I didn't know about this either! Thank you, thank you for assembling your recipes here. BTW, I was in Tesco's today and tried to buy crumpet rings for my mother (in Texas). When I was checking out, the crumpet rings wouldn't come up with a price and the cashier said that he couldn't sell them to me because they were "illegal"! Illegal crumpet rings, can you imagine? Oh well. I shall try your pickelets. They're more my style (freestyle) and less to wash up.

Christine said...

just a plane ride away told me you had this new blog, what a great idea! I've had a printout of your choc cake recipe for about a week on my kitchen counter, waiting for someone to get in the mood to make it!

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